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 Contemplative artist | songwriter | ceremonialist

My name is Debra Lynn Joseph and I'm a contemplative artist, songwriter, and ceremonialist. I am tattooed, often barefoot, and was raised singing, preaching, and making ceremony in the hills of Appalachia. 


As an artist and songwriter, I draw from a deep well of familial, spiritual, and musical tradition.  I make the kind of music that makes you wonder if you should shout or take your shirt off—I call it Appalachian Soul Music. My earliest memories are of singing at my mama’s piano, tambourine {or maracas!} in hand. Somehow, those many long nights of rip-roarin’, Pentecostal, Holy Ghost sangin’ have come to harmonize with the conviction of folksy storytelling, sultry soul-singing, and bluegrassy toe-tapping. In my soul, my story, and my setlist—it all belongs (like shouting AND taking your shirt off).

My work as a ceremonialist has taken me from churches and town squares to lush forests and rushing rivers, holding sacred space and guiding contemplation for lovers, worshippers, and mourners alike. I collaborate with ALL KINDS of communities to explore themes such as authenticity, inclusion, transformation, and the contemplative life. Throughout the year I visit communities all over the country as well as in various digital spaces to connect with audiences through concerts, talks, and retreats. .

I released my first full-length album of original music in 2015, a second live album in 2018, and a studio EP in 2020. I've been writing like a madwoman since moving home to the mountains in 2021, so I'm due to start a new project any time.

Thank you for visiting with me. Please contact me for booking, networking, or just to chat about the Big Mystery! 

Appalachian soul music

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